The Law Firm takes on cases that have to do with Real estate Law. Legal Service provides our clients with specialized legal services of high level by undertaking the research of the legal and title status of the property at the competent Land Registry and/or Cadastral Office, the preparation of the contracts as well as their legal representation at simple or complex property transactions.
The Greek government now gives the opportunity to Third-country citizens willing to invest at least 250.000 euros to buy property, to acquire a five-year residence permit which after expiry may be renewed, for themselves and their family members.
Pursuant to the new law smaller investors of capital just over 250.000 Euros are now granted along with their family members residence permit and may renew it as long as the property remains in their ownership. This permit also grants them the right to travel freely within the EU.
All members of the families of the aforementioned Third –country citizens will be granted residence permits as well.